Christ the King Retreat Center in Buffalo
SAVE THE DATE: Weds., MARCH 18 - Annual Day of Prayer at the Kings House Retreat Center in Buffalo. Theme: "Broken, Blessed & Sent." The day includes Conferences, Reconciliation, Mass, Stations, lunch and transportation. RSVP forms available 2/13. If questions, call Gloria at (612) 719-8260.
Franciscan Retreats and Spirituality Center in Prior Lake
2020 Lenten Days of Prayer March 5, 12, 19 and 26
A great way to deepen your Lenten worship
Franciscan Days of Prayer include input by a presenter, a guided prayer experience, opportunity for confession, ample free time for personal prayer and reflection, Stations of the Cross and Mass. Weather permitting, retreatants may walk the outdoor Labyrinth or trails.
A free will offering of $20 is suggested. Bring your own lunch. Beverages and a treat provided.
Arrive at 9:30 AM. Depart at 2:45 PM after Mass.
Consider bringing a group from your Bible Study or Senior group
Themes and presenters:
March 5, “The Transfiguration,” Mt. 17:1-9, presented by Jayne Krim
March 12, “The Woman at the Well,” John 4:5-42, presented by Debbie Koop
March 19, “The Man Born Blind,” John 9:1-41, presented by Kathy Berken
March 26, “The Raising of Lazarus,” John 11:1-45, presented by Cindy Geiger
Pre-registration is not required but greatly appreciated
Call (952) 447-2182 or e mail: Meals cooked on site by Chef Judy. To register call 952-447-2182. or visit
Saint John’s Abbey Guesthouse
Collegeville, MN
To register for a retreat or to learn more, contact the Spiritual Life Office at 320-363-3929, email us at, or register
Lenten Retreat Opportunity: Ox Herding: Living amidst Ambiguity with Purpose and Peace.
Father Edward Vebelun will enhance Benedictine Spirituality for all with insights from Zen.
Enjoy a praying community, good meals, a beautiful campus, stimulating conferences, time alone and together.
The retreat is March 27 (Fri. 5:30 PM) - March 29 (Sun. 1:00 PM) at the Saint John’s Abbey Guesthouse, Collegeville, MN. Cost: Single room, $195; double room, $170 per person, suite double, $190 per person. Meals are included. Please register at
Jesuit Retreat House in Lake Elmo, MM
Men’s silent retreat at the Jesuit Retreat House in Lake Elmo, M<
Thursday January 16 start time is 6:00 pm to Sunday, January 19 – ends at 7:00 pm
Please contact Jim McGuire at 612-804-0482 or email for more information.