Congratulations to all of you who have welcomed a new little one into your life! We look forward, as a community, to help you teach our faith to the newest addition to our faith family!
Everyone who wishes to have their baby Baptized is required to attend our Baptism class if this is your first child to get Baptized at St. Joseph the Worker and/or if you have not attended one of our classes in the last four years.
Baptism class takes place the second Monday of each month, 7:00 pm in the chapel with either Deacon John Wallin or Deacon Kevin O’Connor.
To schedule a class or your child's Baptism, please call Jeanne at the parish office at
The schedule for Baptisms is as listed:
Group Baptism:1st Sunday of each month at 12:15pm
Baptisms at 8:30/10:30 Masses: 1st and 2nd Sundays of the month
Baptisms at 5:00 Mass: 3rd and 4th Saturdays of the month
Godparent Information.pdf
Eight things I’d like to teach my kids about God.pdf
Children Learn What they Live.pdf
A Prayer of Blessing for a Child-A Prayer Before Infant Baptism.pdf
A Godparent’s Prayer.pdf
*PLEASE NOTE – Baptisms are NOT celebrated during Lent (Ash Wednesday-Easter Sunday).
To schedule a Baptism, please call Jeanne at 763-400-7200.
Baptisms for School Age Children & Adults (Christian Initiation of Children & Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults):
Special arrangements can be made for children of school age or adults who wish to be baptized. Please call the Parish Office at 763-425-6505.
Thank you!