In the very near future you should be receiving a letter and a report on our finances this past year. There were some obvious changes that happened this year, 2020, that we did not anticipate last year when we drew up the budget. On a very positive side, when COVID struck you responded in splendid fashion with your support. Although some folks were good enough to tell us that had been severely effected by COVID with a loss of a job or even health. Others stepped up to say they knew this and were increasing their giving to help, knowing others would be giving less. As a result we ended up with more income than we expected. With the shut down of the building several expenses were reduced or even stopped so we saved money from that unexpected change. As a result we ended up in the black for the first time in several years. The extra money allowed us to spend money on things we now need to cope as we begin celebrating Mass in the church again. There are all the extra sanitation things and the addition to our air handling unit to provide for ionization of the air being circulated. With just these two things, and the spacing, we are now providing more safety than the CDC suggests. We want you to know you are safe. We have also purchased books for each child enrolled in our Faith Formation program to take home. It is theirs. That goes along with a backpack of things to help them learn out our faith but also gives parents the opportunity to talk to their children about their own faith and why parents believe it is important to their children to understand that. I do invite you to come to weekend Masses. They are at the regular time. The first two weekends you will need to sign up on line to reserve a place. We will have people at the door to help you find your seat. We have done a few weekday Masses. Those crowds are about 20 per day. If you feel safer in smaller groups this could be the answer for you. If you want to come on Sunday we will also broadcast Mass into the parking lot and provide communion for those who want to receive. It will not be like the Masses we have had this past summer as the congregation will not be singing in the building. I miss you and am eager to have you return. Fr. Mike