This is the week of Thanksgiving when families traditionally gather to celebrate families. At this point as a church we think we are going to be open, but with the rising numbers of infections we cannot promise that. The CDC and Governor are telling us not to gather in our homes as families because it is easier to spread the germ there. In the church we are still requiring hand sanitizer, masks, and sitting apart. No singing. We also have an ionizer in our air-handling units so ions and the air are exchanged every 15 minutes. We include 25% outdoor air all the time. We also have teams of Knights of Columbus who purify the church with spray between each use. So the situation in your house and in the church have lots of differences. If you still feel uncomfortable I suggest you sit down as a family and watch the Mass on TV.
Our hope as a staff at St. Joseph’s is that our faith family does all it can to ensure that they are safe over this holiday so that they can help protect the rest of their fellow members of this community also remains safe. More people of all ages in the parish are now “catching” the virus and more folks are dying from it. In your commitment to our Parish Life I ask you to be aware of yourself and those around you, particularly in the church building yourself. This virus is not yet under control. And even with any vaccine it probably will not be because of the number of variations it has developed in the US. You remain in our prayers and ask that you continue to pray for us. Fr. Mike