Thank you for the tremendous outpouring of support for our decision to remain closed at this time. Everyone identified with the difficulty of not being able to gather to see one another face to face. We all miss the smiling faces of those we worship with. It is extremely strange to celebrate a weekend Mass in that big space with 10 people in it, all doing a different job. So hearing from you and discovering how many are catching the Masses on line is a boost to know we are struggling to stay in contact with one another. I do have a make a correction, however, As soon at last week's information went out, I knew it was not the ELCA bishops. Our friends at Lord of Life sent me a gentle note to say it was the LC-MS Bishops, the Lutheran branch of the Missouri Synod who joined with the Catholic Bishops. I do not intend to get into a debate with politicians or bishops about why we remain closed. I believe we need to stay closed for the health of one another. Remember in February and March Governor Waltz said we need to push the curve out because our medical facilities are not prepared. In those statements he never said the number of deaths would be less. At one point he said he hoped the curve would not hit until mid July. He is now saying it will be the middle of June to the middle of July. And we see the numbers of deaths going up. Thank you for being vigilant. Don't take unnecessary risks. You may feel healthy and still pass this virus along. The mask you wear does not protect you so much as it does your family and loved ones. Listen to the medical and scientific people until we know better who, what, where, when and why this virus spreads the way it does. I keep you in prayer and ask that you keep Fr. Don and myself in prayer. We all need it.