Brothers and sisters in Christ,
Rejoice! Easter brings new hope and new life in ways that we would never have dreamed a month ago. But the daffodils in front of the church are up and yellow is showing. The tulips are up and soon to bloom. Rabbits and baby birds are plentiful. Given how much we have been separated from one another these signs serve to bring us hope and promise. It was so great seeing over 350 cars and 1000 people join us for Stations of the Cross on Palm Saturday (we did things one day early). During the week people are continuing to drive through the Stations. People in our neighborhood are seeing more of one another and greeting all they meet. We are discovering that life does not need to rush by but each day can be enjoyed. Easter is the discovery of new life. Where have you found it this Lent? I pray that you have discovered within your family, friends, this faith community, that resurrection has been found in whom we have loved. May Christ continue to grow in our hearts in the weeks ahead. Fr. Mike