The end of the year is rushing upon us. Although tax laws have changed recently the primary reason to give to St. Joseph the Worker Church is the growth of the relationship we have with the parish. You have just a few weeks to plan for your giving to the parish. If you want to transfer stock or give from your IRA or other retirement accounts, now is the time to plan ahead. We are discovering there are sound financial reasons to make contributions from these sorts of accounts. Talk to your financial advisor now and get the ball rolling. If the transfer has not been finalized by the end of the year, we cannot include it in your contributions for 2019. You have been generous this year and for that I am very thankful. Many people have taken advantage of electronic giving and a switch to “Pushpay” in making those contributions faithfully. As we support one another our Commitment to Parish Life thrives and grows. Thank you for making your investment in the parish. Fr. Mike