During this time of "stay at home" it is easy to feel isolated. Keeping 6 feet away from everyone, shopping with a mask on, and spending a lot more time in our homes can make us feel like we are alone. But at the same time, as we go deeper within ourselves we can ask what this all means? I don't know the answer to that, but it can also be seen as an opportunity to invite Jesus into our own personal journey along this path. Fr. Don and I are spending more time in prayer together. We are sitting and talking more. We are getting outside where I see more wild animals and more families out walking. This has given me the opportunity to see that Christ is in the little things. If I only look for big signs I miss the many more little signs that Jesus is all around me. The rest of this Holy Week I challenge you to look for Jesus in the little signs he has given the world which reveals Jesus is walking with us through this new experience. We never walk alone. Fr. Mike