We have finished the financial year with the passing of the last Sunday in June. I want to report to you that because of your generosity we are in a much better place this year than we were last year at this time. Several things have worked well for us. First, the collections for the entire year are actually up from a year ago. That is great news because we anticipated a $60,000 deficit. Secondly, with the closing of the building we were able to reduce the expenses by about $50,000. And third, we applied for and received a PPP "loan". We used it to pay for our employees for May and June. It is my understanding that since we can verify that we spent it on employees the loan will be forgiven. So adding those together we should be well over a $200,000 swing into the black. Thank you for your continued financial support and the tremendous affirmation for the things the staff have been doing. I feel terrible that we have had to cancel the indoor Masses for now. With the huge increase of those infected with the virus and the rise in Minnesota as well it just did not make sense to make the move at this time. So come and enjoy our "car-Masses" on Sunday mornings.
Fr. Mike