One of the things that gives me special delight every weekend is watching our young children come forward at offertory time to put money into the collection basket. They probably see it just as an excuse to get out of the pew and be active. Nothing wrong with that at that age. But seeing them decide which basket to put the money into, or look into the basket before dropping or throwing their money into the basket, or even shyly trying to decide if they should put the money into the basket at all, makes me smile. I hope that parents and grandparents are taking the time to explain to their child that what they are really doing is giving thanks to God for the gifts they have received in this life. There are gifts of life, parents siblings, grandparents, toys, friends, food, house, bed, and so many other things. It is a wonderful time to remind that to give thanks every day for gifts that God gives us. And their giving serves as a reminder to each of us that as part of a larger community we also give back. Not just financially but also by giving of our time in one of the many ministries we offer at St. Joseph the Worker. Fr. Mike