We have finished the fiscal year for 2020-21. We have done amazingly well considering the difficulty of worshipping as a family. As we begin the process of returning to things we had given up, I would ask us each to reflect upon how God has helped us day-by-day to get through these difficulties. We have learned new ways of doing things. We have learned the value of human to human interaction and not just over the internet. As a parish we have adapted new things and ways of communicating. Things will continue to evolve. But we realize now more than ever, to be a family of believers we need human contact. I pray that more of you will come back to regularly worshipping with us to reconnect with this prayerful and supportive community. We need each other. As a parish we need you. Now is a good time to reconnect with all the folks we used to see at church and reestablish those bonds of love and support.
Fr. Mike