Some home remodelers or business’s who do remodeling have told me that many folks are doing something in their house. There is painting, moving walls, changing where appliances were. We’ve been doing that also. With virtually no one in the building during the week we are repainting some walls and rooms, we did already replace the carpeting in the gathering space, and buying some other items because of your faithfulness. You’re consistent support of the parish and our decrease in maintenance costs is allowing us to spend some of that money on things that should have been replaced long ago. In many ways it is like your home. You do regular maintenance work every year. We have put off some of these things because of our cash flow. SO I do want to thank you for supporting the parish in this difficult time. Although the governor has said we can go to 50% we won’t. We have already mapped out in the worship space how people should sit and where. By wearing a mask, sanitizing our hands and keeping our physical distance we are protecting everyone, including Fr. Don and myself Although I don’t feel like it we do fall into the category where we can get a vaccine shot fairly early. We intend to do that because we both feel blessed by being a part of this community. Keep up the good work in your family, in managing kids home for extra hours, for tolerating extra time with people and your continued support of the parish. Your faithfulness in all those areas and more is practicing your faith in a daily way. May God continue to watch over and protect us all. Fr. Mike