Let me extend to all of you a very heartfelt response to your very warm greetings on the 40th anniversary of my ordination. I have received notes from everywhere I have served. The outpouring from parishioners at St. Joe’s has been particularly strong and it is all appreciated.
Like many marriages, there have been good times and tough times. If we make it through the tough times it makes us stronger people and our faith deeper. One of the aspects of Commitment to Parish Life (CPL) is our commitment to the well-being of the parish. You have ministered to me in so many ways. That has enabled and encouraged me to continue to improve my own ministry to others. I firmly believe that when we do this good work for others we encourage and challenge each person to grow and become better witnesses to our faith. Being here so long has enabled me to see the growth in our children as they grow into adults, and in adults as we continue to age. Life on this earth is a journey. Each takes a different path but the goal is always the same, the Kingdom of God. It has been a very rewarding vocation to grow with you in love of the Lord and one another. Thank you again for all you have done for me and the kind words you have expressed to me on the occasion of my ordination.
Fr. Mike