St. Joseph the Worker has about 2100 households. Every year 100 leave and just over that number join us. That means we have about 6000 parishioners. I am good at recognizing faces but struggle to quickly remember that many names, plus the other folks who come to visit relatives or those who come to the cities for sporting or other events. So in the gathering space we have 4 “name tag” tables. I encourage you to pick up a name tag and to wear it is a visible place so that when we exchange greetings at the sign of peace your neighbors can use your name. And when you come to communion the Eucharistic Ministers can call you by name as they say: “Mary, the Body of Christ!” Although we are the 16 largest parish in the Archdiocese we strive to make people feel welcome and wanted. By putting on a name tag you help that take place in a very concrete manner. It is something I believe helps you choose to make an investment in the parish of St. Joseph. Thank you for thinking and giving to others the opportunity to call you by name. Fr. Mike