I pray that you have received my letter in the mail by now about our finances in the parish. If not, we probably do not have your name or address in our file. Please call us as soon as possible to correct our omission as we would like you to receive our mailings and emails. Many of you have been attending church in person now. The joy you feel is apparent in your smile, conversations and greetings of friends we have not seen in the past year. It is a blessing to have you back on site. As in most business places our staff has evolved during the virus. This gives us the opportunity to see how we are doing ministry and make any changes that we need to do to evolve and adapt. With our income down it may also mean we must adapt to the reduced income by hiring fewer people. If you have appreciated the ministry you have received in the past or felt the absence of ministry because someone has retired or gone to work at a new site, then you may need to look at increasing your contributions. It is clear to me that with a loss of growing income of nearly $200,000 in the last couple of years, some positions will not be filled and some ministries will not happen or will, at least, be radically changed. The decision lies in your lap, and in your bank account. Fr. Mike