Last week I spoke about the number of people who became a member of our faith family by making a commitment to giving back. We have a wide range of ministries. I am sure one of them would fit into your life style and make a difference in our parish. You will be astounded at the number of people we minister to in any given year. And the number of people involved who make a difference in the lives to those whom they touch. You can too. Contact one of the various offices in the parish and we will be glad to make a connection for you. To support all of these ministries we also need you to make a financial commitment to the parish. With a staff of 16 caring for and nurturing the thousands we minister to each year requires a big commitment from the people in the pew. In the past few years we have tried to get by on less but doing work on the building and parking lot continue to grow, demanding some work now or greater work in the immediate future. As you know from your own life, the amount of groceries you can buy for $100 is much less then what you could buy 30 or even 10 years ago. You might want to look into automatic withdrawals as one easy way to make your gift and to keep track of your giving. Regular contributions makes it much easier for us to get through some months throughout the year. Fr. Mike