Years ago, I met a couple who for the first 7 years of their married life did not have children. Just after their second child was born, dad told me they should never have had children. He loved them but the children had dramatically changed their married life; more than he expected. I discovered that when they were first married, they would both come home from work, decide that they were too tired to cook, so they would go out to eat almost every night. At supper they would decide what they wanted to do for the rest of the evening. That no longer worked with children. He is exactly right. Children pull us into community and school life. That is what makes community. Getting involved. St. Joe’s adopted Commitment to Parish Life years ago because it was apparent how many people invest in this parish with time and talent. They eventually saw the need to also give money to support the various activities they and their children were involved in by participation. Are you invested? Are you involved? What can you do to help St. Joes become a community that supports you and your family? Fr. Mike