Which ministry is right of you? People are continually amazed by the number of ministries we have at St. Joseph the Worker. The team from our parish is currently in Haiti with our sister parish, St. Catherine’s. We have had a few funerals recently and people volunteer to bring food, serve food, and do whatever liturgical ministries are needed. We are gathering food for the Thanksgiving food distribution. We have had 30-50 people come together on recent Sunday’s for adult learning opportunities on the sacraments. We spent the month of October emphasizing domestic abuse and the city of Maple Grove partnered with us in displaying purple lights in the city central park. Our high school students are being transformed into disciples. Many of our youngest participated in our Trunk or treat program just before Halloween. There is literally something for everyone. If we don’t have something for you, let us know and we will work with you to make it happen. That is what Commitment to Parish Life is about. Helping folks see how their lives and a lived faith intersect for deeper relationships. We do it for you, the Body of Christ. Have you made a commitment to the parish? A commitment of time and talent, coupled with the money to make these ministries flourish is what makes our parish vibrant and alive. You can be a part of that, if you make the commitment to get involved at St. Joseph the Worker.
Fr. Mike