Brothers and Sisters,
This week you should have received in the mail a booklet that tells you of the many great things happening in the parish. There are dozens of ministries listed and many more that are not. These ministries are successful because you thought of them in the first place and then invested many hours to get them rolling. You have stretched yourself in ways that you probably did not think you could stretch. In doing that we have served the needs of many people all over the Twin Cities and the world. On the final pages of this Annual Report of Gratitude you can see where the parish gets its operating money from and where the money is spent. You can also see that we continue to operate at a loss. This has been going on for several years. We have trimmed the budget and the staff for this year to arrive at a balanced budget. In reviewing this report and praying about your own commitment to the parish, I would ask you to look at what you do to give back to this faith community. We need you to continue to do what you have been doing to keep us a vibrant parish. We need you to give so these ministries thrive.
Fr. Mike