As you may have noticed we have had a bunch of funerals lately. It continues to amaze me how many of you come to those funerals, even though you do not know the people. Your support is noticed by the family and friends who are in attendance. It is yet one more sign of how you put into practice your Commitment to Parish Life. This parish has always been a welcoming community. We embrace folks from all around the Cities as well as all around the world. It is your welcoming attitude that they see whenever they come through the door. In the midst of this pandemic you reach out to neighbors and family, as well as those who come looking for support in their time of loss. When you make a commitment to the parish it not only is revealed in what you do but it is a deepening of your own faith. Soldiers will frequently talk about how their unit has such strong bonds that they believe in one another and they would give everything they can to one another. You have embraced this approach and others who come have noticed it also. It is most impressive when college students come home and express how they have not found another church like this one. They are amazed but also deeply appreciate what you witness to them every week. Thank you for making Commitment to Parish Life larger than just and occasional appearance or contribution. Your giving of your very self is a witness that goes beyond what you may think you are doing to truly witnessing to others. Fr. Mike