There is definitely a change of weather in the air. Hot to snow, to hot and then to cool would indicate that we are now back into the normal flow of the seasons in Minnesota. That also means that most of the programs we have at the church are also back underway. Which brings me to the question about our participation in our “faith family” activities. In our homes we are constantly doing things like cleaning, preparing the house for winter or spring, even fixing up things or purchasing new things like furniture or material for the home. The same happens at the church. Our “new” church is 20 years old. Some of the things need replacing and others need fixing. Your work in our ministries allows these expenses to be reduced, but when air conditioners need replacing or carpeting has worn out, those things need to be updated. Are you giving your share back to God in thanksgiving for the blessings you receive from the parish? The giving of time and work are important for the active parish we belong to but the financial support is equally important. Thank you for being a part of St. Joes and keeping it the vibrant parish people look forward to experiencing when they come through our doors.