All parish seniors 55+ and over are invited to attend the gathering of the GadAbouts for potlucks, special events, Mass and day trips for the coming year (no membership fee). An announcement in the Sunday parish bulletin details each event.
Interested in learning more or being added to the mailing list? Call Gloria Jordan at: 763-557-6997 or contact Mike Lentz with questions at 763-400-7203 or
Living Faith Booklets/Care Notes
Are you Hurting in your Marriage?
Do you have trouble communicating, frequent augments or fights, distance between you, and you are each going your own way? Retrouvaille, a relationship-building ministry sponsored y he Catholic Church, has provided great benefi ts to thousands of couples. Retrouvialle has a weekend every other month for hurting couples. For more information, please call 651 484 5855. Or visit