“Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.” - 1 Corinthians 12:27
SJTW is proud of our cultural diversity and in January, will host Cultural Heritage Sunday. This is a special Mass celebrating our unity as children of God and members of one holy Catholic Church. Johanna Casas has been a part of Cultural Heritage Sunday for two years, working on the planning committee, leading the flag procession, and serving as a Spanish scripture reader. Johanna also serves in many other ministries including Social Hour, Sharing and Caring Hands, and Kid Pack.
To Johanna, Cultural Heritage Sunday is no ordinary Mass. “It is an opportunity to reflect on the beauty of the diverse cultures that make up our community, while also celebrating the spiritual values that bind us together in faith.” She loves seeing the flag procession and display of cultures, a “powerful reminder” that all heritages are welcomed at SJTW.
She highly encourages anyone interested in participating in the celebration. We hope to continue to build and grow each year! Whether it’s decorations or being a part of the Mass, it’s a great way to join community and learn about the many cultures and family traditions at SJTW.
Your generous support of Commitment to Parish Life (CPL) builds a community with many ministries designed to deepen our relationships with God and one another. To support CPL, you can give at https://www.sjtw.net/commitment-to-parish-life. To learn more about Cultural Heritage Sunday, visit https://www.sjtw.net/cultural-heritage-sunday.