Planning for a funeral is not something most of us look forward to with joy and anticipation. However, we Christians know that death awaits us, not as a tragic ending, but as a passage into a new and indescribably marvelous life with God. As St. Paul says: "What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him" (1 Cor 2:9-10).
We have create several resources to help guide in the planning of a funeral at SJTW. Feel free to download any that you choose. Contact Tarri Nelson at 763-400-7205 or email her at if you have any questions or need assistance.
Funeral Planning Booklet
Funeral Planning Information
Music listing/links for Funeral Mass
Funeral – First Readings
Wisdom 4-7-15.docx
Wisdom 4-7-10a_13-14.docx
Wisdom 3-1-6, 9.docx
Sirach 25-1, 7-14.docx
Proverbs 31
Lamentations 3 - 22-26.docx
Lamentations 3 - 17-26.docx
Job19-1, 23-27A.docx
Isaiah 49-1_12-16.docx
Isaiah 43 1-3 49 16.docx
Isaiah 40-1, 28-31_.docx
Isaiah 25 6a 7_9.docx
Exodus 19- 2-5_.docx
Ecclesiastes 3_1-8.docx
Ecclesiastes 3 1 11.docx
A Reading the book of Psalms.docx
Funeral – Second Readings
Romans 14 7-9.docx
Romans 8 31b-35, 37-39.docx
Romans 8 14-23.docx
Romans 6 3-9.docx
Romans 5 1-11.docx
Revelation 21 1-7.docx
Revelation 21 1a, 3-5a
Revelation 14 13.docx
Revelation 7 9-10, 15-17.docx
Philippians 3 20-21.docx
Philippians 1 3-7, 8-11.docx
Ephesians 3 14-21.docx
Ephesians 1 3-5.docx
Acts 10 34-36, 42-43.docx
2Timothy 4 7-8..docx
2Corinthians 5 1-8, 17.docx
2Corinthians 5 1 6-10..docx
2Corinthians 4 14 5 1.docx
1Thessalonians 4 13-18.docx
1Thessalonians 4 13-14, 18.docx
1John 3 1-2.docx
1Corinthians 15 20-23.docx
1Corinthians 15 55-57.docx
1Corinthians 15 51-57.docx
1Corinthians 15 50-52.docx
Funeral – Gospels
Matthew 5_1_12a.docx
Matthew 25 1-13.docx
Matthew 18 10-18.docx
Matthew 18 1-5.docx
Matthew 11 25-30.docx
Matthew 25 31_40
Mark 15 33-39.docx
Mark 10 13-16.docx
Mark 6 34-43.docx
Luke 24 13-16 28-35.docx
Luke 18 15-17.docx
Luke 12-22-23,25-26,29-31.docx
Luke 12 35-40.docx
Luke 7 11-17.docx
John 20 1-10a.docx
John 19 25-30.docx
John 17 24-26.docx
John 15 1-5, 7-11.docx
John 15 1-6.docx
John 14 1-7.docx
John 14 1-6.docx
John 12 23-26.docx
John 11 21-27.docx
John 11 17-27.docx
John 6 51-58.docx
John 6 48-58.docx
John 6 37 40.docx
John 5 24-29.docx
John 3 5-17.docx