Sister Parish Relationship Overview:
Mission / Vision / Values
What We Do and What We Receive
How To Get Involved
Motivated by God's call to love and serve one another, we entered into a Sister Parish relationship with St. Catherine d' Alexandre in Bouzy, Haiti.We visit our brothers and sisters in Bouzy for the same reason we visit family members: To enjoy our love together. When we spend time in the personal presence of another and we intentionally decide to do all we can to be open to learn not just about the life of the other but to really get to know the other by attentive and meaningful conversation, we are blessed and sealed in a Love that lasts forever. In this process of discovery and self-revelation, we grow in understanding on so many levels. With the eyes of faith and the heart of compassion, we are able to grow closer to God and the kingdom we call Heaven.
Our visits with St. Catherine’s are all about faithing: that is, learning to trust in vulnerability and allowing God to work through those sometimes scary and challenging steps of unknowing and discomfort is truly a way to let God be in charge. In short, the reason we travel to Haiti is to let our faith grow.
Our parish has sent teams to Bouzy to foster our relationship since 2009. We provide medical care, support for education, nutritional assistance, support for the pastor, and earthquake repairs. They have shared with us many blessings including community, hospitality, faith, and joy. Like Jesus we are present to each other; we listen to their stories, and we respond with love and care. Together we bring hope to our world.
Our Mission
Lead by the Spirit to serve Jesus Christ and our brothers and sisters, we are developing a relationship based on cross-cultural understanding, mutual respect, and prayer. We build bridges uniting us to grow in faith and love, by which we can share our blessings with one another.
Our Vision
We will build a continually deeper, vibrant, long-term relationship with our brothers and sisters in St. Catherine d'Bouzy Haiti guided by the Word of God.
Our Values
Our main value is that our brothers and sisters in St. Catherine d'Bouzy Haiti are better off now and in the future because of our presence.
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There are so many ways to participate in this blessed ministry. After you look at this website and read the stories of recent activities, visit with or email a member of the Core Team Committee or an activity leader, attend a Haiti meeting or event, or visit with Deacon Kevin or Bonnie Steele.
Also, we have a new brochure. You can use it as a placemat in your dining room and you can also use it to help explain what's behind our Haiti Mission Activities.
Core Team