“At the heart of silence is prayer. At the heart of prayer is faith. At the heart of faith is life. At the heart of life is service.” – Mother Teresa
Parishioner Kevin Gaffney has been a Knight of Columbus for 10 years, currently serving as the Deputy Grand Knight. Started by Father McGivney, the Knights were founded to help Catholic men live out their faith and help Catholic families in need. “The Knights are a great way for me to be involved with the parish and lead my family to explore ministries they may be interested in. This has helped me deepen my own relationship with Christ.”
Charity has been central to the Knights, from hosting events such as Pancake Breakfast, picnics, and volunteer work. “We know that of Faith, Hope and Charity (Love), Love of thy neighbor is the greatest and this is foundation upon which so many of the Knights causes are based. I believe the Knights of Columbus would still be as successful as we are today through the simple acts of Faith and Love we foster.” Kevin states.
As a global organization, The Knights of Columbus also require administrative work, something Kevin is inclined to as a process engineer, seeing it as one of his God-given talents. The organization is diverse, with many ways of working within the Council. “The adage ‘many hands make light work’ is true, but the real power of the Knights is when we come together as Catholic men of many talents to be the "hands and feet of Jesus” in many different ways.”
Kevin encourages the men in our parish to chat with the Knights – look for the blue name tags – and see what they can do for them!
To learn more about The Knights of Columbus and how to put your faith in action, visit https://sjtw.net/knights-of-columbus-council-13359. To start or continue your Commitment to Parish Life, visit https://sjtw.net/ministry-volunteer-opportunities-1.