Current Ministry Volunteer Opportunities
Information Desk
Have you ever walked around a store and had questions and no one was around to ask?
There are times at SJTW when parishioners or visitors have questions on the weekends and they are unsure where to go to get the answers.
The information desk is a place on the weekends where you can stop by, ask questions, and get some answers. If the person at the desk doesn’t know the answer, they jot it down and make sure it gets to the staff person who can help. It may be handing out registration packets (behind the desk on the wall), who to contact about baptisms (Jeanne at 763-425-6505), or where the donuts are!
We are in need of more people willing to be at the information desk once a month for 10-15 minutes after Mass. You can attend Mass and just come out after communion. You do NOT need to know all the answers, but be willing to help direct people to the staff person they need (a list is provided) or jot down their contact info and a staff member will call them.
Contact Tarri at, or call 763-400-7205 if you would be willing to take a turn at helping and being a friendly face at the SJTW information desk.
Social Time Ministry
Do you like to enjoy a donut (or two) or treat after Mass?
We are in GREAT need of individuals, couples or families to help out at social time after Mass once a month, especially at 5:00 and 8:30 Masses.
You put out the food provided, make coffee/lemonade, then clean up afterwards. Plus you can enjoy some great conversation with those people who come to social hour. You could be added to a current team, do it as a couple, or make it a great family activity.
The people who do it now week after week would be happy to help you learn the ropes and mentor you. If we want social time to continue, we need more people to step forward to help out!
Contact Tarri at, or call 763-400-7205.
Altar Servers – Boys and girls 4th grade and older
In Baptism, we are called by name to be a part of God’s family. You are invited to live your baptismal call to serve one another as an altar server at Mass.
We are in great need of servers for our Saturday and Sunday Mass times.
Altar servers are an important part of our worship and a great way for our young people to minister to their faith community. Altar servers help with the procession and recessional, they help direct the congregation’s attention during the liturgy with moving of the candles, and assist the priest and deacon during Mass.
Please consider becoming a liturgical minister as an altar server. All training and directions are provided. Contact Tarri at or call 763-700-7205.
Art and Environment Ministry
Do you have an unused creative flair or do you like to decorate spaces?
We are looking for additional members to be on the Art and Environment team that decorate the Gathering and Worship space for each liturgical season. We need ideas people and people to help with the execution. We meet 9 times during the year to create the environment. Contact Tarri at, call 763-400-7205 or stop by the information desk and add your name and we will contact you.
Children’s Liturgy of the World
Children’s Liturgy of the World gives children in grades 1-4 a great opportunity to break open the word each Sunday at their own level. The scriptures are presented and discussed together with a leader in St. Cecelia’s music room during 8:30 and 10:30 Masses.
We are in great need of Children Liturgy of the Word ministers and assistants for 8:30 and 10:30 Mass times. This is a perfect opportunity for teens, parents, parent/child teams or adults. All materials are provided and you would be on the schedule once a month. Please contact Tarri at for more information.
Liturgical Ministers
Each week, liturgical ministers serve their faith community by being Eucharistic ministers, hospitality ministers, proclaimers, projectionists, information desk, social hour workers, Children’s Liturgy of the Word, (Sunday, 8:30 and 10:30 Masses only) and running the video (Sat. 5:00 pm Mass) We need over 20 people for every Mass!
We are in great need of liturgical ministers in all areas to live out their baptismal call to serve one another. Procedures and training are provided for all ministries. Contact Tarri at, call 763-400-7205, or stop by the information desk and add your name to the list and we will contact you.
Help is needed at all Mass times:
Eucharistic Ministers
(Confirmed Catholic) Assist the priest in the Distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ.
Hospitality Minister
On a team of 4 people to greet/assist people, and help with the collection and the flow of communion.
Proclaim the Word of God/intercessions at Mass.
Advance the slides during the liturgy.
Information Desk
Sit at the desk 10-15 minutes after Mass to be available to answer questions.
Social Hour
On a team of 2-4 people, to set out the treats for social hour. Make coffee/lemonade and clean up (families welcome too).
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Break open the Word of God for 1st-4th graders during Mass (in the music room). All materials provided (teens welcome too).
Video Taping
At the Saturday, 5 pm Mass: Run the video taping of the online Mass. Training is provided. Opportunities to video tape periodically for funeral Masses.