We are well back into the swing of things at the parish. We have more children enrolled in Faith Formation classes then we have had for the past 2 years. Welcome back! I am excited to see so many dads bringing their children into the building for those classes. Moms teach their children how to do something, while a dad teaches the child the value of doing that thing. Mom can teach the need to eat vegetables but if dad does not eat them, then the children will not want to eat them either. When parents come to church do they always come late, never pray out loud or sing? The child witnesses this and frequently does the say. I smile when I see grown children, now young men, come home and come to church with the parents. They stand the same way dad stands. If we want our children to practice the faith we are raising them in, then we must be conscious that what we are doing is giving witness to our own faith by what we do in church and at home. Kids see everything. Your commitment to your family at home can be reflected by your Commitment to Parish Life in the same manner.