It is stunning! Now that the CDC has said those fully vaccinated do not need to wear masks, the effect upon people is like being released from the prison of our home. Walking from the parking lot to stores, walking on the sidewalk, and certainly worshipping with us in church has had an incredible effect upon people. The reaction of people to this freedom emphasizes once again how much we need one another. Just as families are now reuniting after this long bout of the virus and finding great joy in the ability to see others face to face, and even touch, we do also when we reunite with others in worship. When the disciples gathered after Jesus’ death, they found him in the gathering of the people. The next time you are in church I challenge you to look at what is happening. The noise you hear is the appearance of Christ in our midst. If you don’t look you won’t see Him, but if you do look for Him, you will find Him in the gathering of the people.