It is part of our CPL+ campaign. Over the weekend we either had one of the original copper pipes spring two leaks or we began putting a second Baptismal font in the hallway by the bathrooms. Thank goodness it was only a beginning because we were able to put two large garbage containers there to collect the water. It was fixed on Monday. But it serves as a reminder that the original building is approaching 50 years old. As in every home things continually need to be fixed, repaired or replaced. Our building was constructed in three phases. It began in 1995-96, was added on to in 1985 and then the “new” church was built in 2-22-23. So things like pipes, furnaces, water heaters, fire suppressants, and even air conditioners all need to be maintained. If you have not yet made your decision to help with Commitment to Parish Life (CPL) + then I ask you to look into the possibility. Given the nearly 2000 families in our parish, a simple increase of $10 per week would make a huge difference in our income and our ability to maintain our worshiping building.