The people at St. Joseph continue to amaze me. The Saturday before Palm Sunday we had over 350 cars drive through for Stations of the Cross, palms and reconciliation. Good Friday we had a huge amount again with at least 150 more cars between 2 and 3 when people went through the Stations again, received absolution and stopped to adore the cross. Many folks sent emails about how they appreciated the Masses posted on line and the resources available on our web site. And the financial support you have continued to show is stunning. Like you we never anticipated this sort of situation months ago. The staff and adapted with creativity in providing resources for people. Families have sent us pictures of what their families have done with educational material, acting out the stations of the cross at home, and pictures that their children have drawn. This "stay-in-place" order has given people much more need to actually talk to their families about what this event means to adults and to people of faith. Perhaps the need to explain to our children what Holy Week is about and why Easter is important to ME as your parent, will give the succeeding generation a greater sense of God's immense love for us as people and a felt awareness of our need to love God in return. Thank you for being a sign of the living God in the world today. Fr. Mike