Our faith community is a family of believers. We come from many different backgrounds and live in many different areas of the cities. This was very evident these past few weekends when we have celebrated First Communion and Confirmation for a good number of our youth. At each Mass where this happened there was a very loud burst of applause from the rest of the congregation. What a great reception for our young people and their families to let them know we value them as part of our faith family. In order to do this we have been dependent upon your continuing generosity during this pandemic. As we look at the budget for the coming year we find ourselves in a dilemma.
Since Fr. Don retired 6 years ago we have continually decreased the size of our staff. We are now down 4 full time employees in the last six years. We pay salaries, insurance, social security and office needs to all of these folks. To replace all four this year would require that our budget increase by $250,000 just to return to where we were at six years ago. Without a sizable increase it will mean that some or all of those positions will go unfulfilled. The choice is really up to you. I would ask you to look at your pattern of giving. If it is the same as it was six years ago, it is time to re-set our priorities again and support your faith family.