As a parish we have been Committed to Parish Life for many years. That represents the many ministries we offer in the parish for families and individuals. But it also represents the many young children who come to Mass each week. I sincerely enjoy interacting with them. Hearing them fuss, or talk, or sing, or make any noise reminds me of my family when my nieces and nephews were that age. From a baby’s perspective I am pretty sure that while in the womb they are the center of attention in their world. When they are born they become the center of attention to their parents and family. As they get older they begin to realize that what happens at Mass is way above their heads and they feel they are not getting enough attention. Understandable. But all of those little voice serve to remind us as a family that those sounds are the sounds of Life from our Commitment to Parish Life. Thank you for bringing them to church at such a young age. Thank you for the older folks who see these children as part of our church family. Parish Life is more than just activities for us older folks. It is for people of all ages.