When Commitment to Parish Life began many years ago the company trying to pitch the program to us tried to explain how we needed to pitch people investing with time, talent and treasure in the community. Parish leadership at that time explained to them that in this parish we push the investment in the activities of the parish as the starting point. The company was skeptical because they had never tried that somewhere else. We insisted, however, and persuaded them that that is how we wanted to go. We did approach the Commitment to Parish Life, CPL, from that perspective and is has been hugely effective for us. People have bought into the activities of the parish as a first element. So after the talent of folks has been given a place to participate, the efforts have been very successful. With our recovery after COVID we would like to be able to use your talents and gifts. Have you thought about of using those gifts in service to the faith community and fellow members of the parish? We need all folks to participate.