When I was first ordained, a parishioner asked why I did not put something into the collection basket. I told him that I have given my life to serving as a priest, so I give of my time and talent. He smiled and reminded me that scripture says to give of your time, talent and treasure. So, I did but not too much. Over the years, I have given an ever-increasing amount because I have found that the more I give to God in thanksgiving for this vocation, the more I find treasures in everyday life. I have food, clothing, and shelter. I have lots of books. I have a car, a computer, and even some furniture. I have a lot. How do you see your family giving back to God in thanksgiving for what God has given to you? CPL, or Commitment to Parish Life, is one way to remind ourselves that giving back to God is simply acknowledging how much God has first given to me. How much has God given to you and your family? How do you show your gratitude? Fr. Mike