Thank you for supporting the parish of St. Joseph the Worker so faithfully during this past financial year. We started the year while we were still in the throes of Covid 19 and finished the year by gathering back together again. During the year we brought back to the church building most of the activities we usually hold. More and more people have been coming through the door and participating in more activities. We have needed more volunteers as things grew and you stepped forward to participate in those leadership rolls. And then something happened. During the first 3 months of this fiscal year we have fallen behind. Not just a little bit, but by a considerable amount. Good thing we saved some money in our accounts for just such a rainy day. If you have been unable to continue your financial contributions, that is understandable because some folks have extra medical, family or financial difficulties. But what about the rest of us? Have we cut back in supporting the Parish? This is our family, our faith family. We all may have had to watch where we spend money but investing in God has always been a winning undertaking. Please ask yourself if you have cut back. We need everyone to step up and continue the support you have given in the past.
Fr. Mike