Fr. Don is so good about welcoming and recognizing the people who are sitting in their cars on a weekend and are praying with us. He has them honking their horns several times each Mass. I think about doing that, and then when I am saying something else forget to welcome them. It might be age. But I am pretty sure I am only 50 so that can’t be it. What some of the Eucharistic ministers and Knight’s of Columbus tell me after Mass is that every weekend there are new people. Some come from other parishes where they no longer have Mass broadcast into their parking lots. Others are from our parish who are finally brave enough to come to church with the realization that they are safe as they want to be by remaining in the car. On top of this I hear from our ministers that those who are new continue to feel welcome here by what goes on in the building but especially what happens in the parking lot. They feel they are a part of a worshiping community because of the welcome they receive from others in the lot. The honking of horns, the smiles and waves, and the politeness with which they are let into the line to receive communion. All of this speaks to YOU as a faith community. Fr. Don, I and the rest of the staff can do the best we can, but it is you living the Word of God in your actions. When we speak of Commitment within our Parish Life, you live that commitment every day and every Mass. Thank you for being the light and good news to all who come here, for all are welcome here. Fr. Mike