We are approaching the end of our fiscal year with the end of June. You have been generous in supporting the parish fiscally and also with all of the ministries we offer. We have just completed Vacation Bible School and parents with a variety of abilities and interests have given of their time to make this a memorable event for our younger children. I am always amazed by the creativity of people in making stage props, preparing foods, and with their musical talents. Most of this is hidden during the year but it blossoms for this event. We are also having good success with our monthly packing. Each month our Discipleship and Mission, our former social justice groups, pack for a different organization that has asked us to give specific things for their clients. We have been combining that with some education about Catholic Social Justice teachings and speakers from these organizations. Folks who attend these packings are saying they did not know Catholic Social Justice teachings span more than 125 years and are really core to WHY we do the things we do in Discipleship areas. It has also been a good experience for whole families to participate as even the smallest child can share in packing the various items into the bags we give to these organizations. Thank you for all you do for the parish and for teaching your children about the long history of social justice concerns the Catholic Church has promoted for years.