We are Blest!
St. Joseph the Worker is blest with so many parishioners from all over the Twin Cities and all over the world. Each comes with a particular perspective on life as well as ways things can be done. As a result our parish seems to enjoy the many ways we take simple things and give them a new approach. Our worship space is unique, for example. We can actually see others singing, praying, and young children dancing in the aisles. Our littlest ones in Sunday school look forward to making things that have a direct connection to what they are learning. Our high school students learn what to say and how to act within our weekend liturgies. Our parishioners who are receiving medical care or find themselves in need, find generous other parishioners who listen and care. Your ministry makes this parish alive. With each new twist of traditional things we learn there are new ways of approaching God. Your ideas for doing things in the parish is always welcome. Thank you for being the generous people you are by giving of yourself in the service of others.
Fr. Mike