So what about you? There are many stories of parishioners who have taken on the additional responsibility of checking on their neighbors, bringing communion to those who are shut in, and making contact with people they know to see how everyone is doing during this pandemic. If you ask them why they generally say “It is what I am supposed to do!” It is so inspiring to hear folks describe this as something they are supposed to do. To me that means they have taken their faith very personally and don’t see this as extra but something integral to living what they profess. That is exactly what CPL is all about. Taking my faith seriously so that I see what I do flowing naturally into what I practice. Commitment to Parish Life is much more that being in Church, giving money to the church, and getting involved in our of our official ministries. It is a conscious choice to reach out to others so they know someone cares. We don’t ask if they are Catholic. Do you go to our church? DO you believe in Jesus Christ as your personal savior? We reach out because we know that all people are beloved children of God. Thank you for taking your faith into the world every day. Fr. Mike