By now you should have received our annual report in the mail. If not, you may not be actually registered as a parishioner. I encourage you to do so. Hopefully you have taken the time to read the booklet for it explains where we get our money and where we spend our money. In the booklet we elaborate on the ministries we do here at St. Joseph’s. There are hundreds of parishioners who help in hundreds of ministries to make this a faith family where love can grow. I encourage you, if you are not already doing so, to find a ministry where you can give back to the faith community in gratitude for the good liturgies, great faith formation programs, our social justice ministries and in caring for one another. Your involvement makes this a vibrant community. Your financial contribution through Commitment to Parish Life enables all of these ministries to thrive. We welcome you to the parish. We encourage you to be active. And we need you to support us so all of our ministries can be as effect and rewarding as possible.