Last week I wrote a bit about the mutual commitment we ask of parishioners at St. Joseph the Worker. I mentioned praying for one another, vibrant worship, care for each other. We also ask you to discern God-given talents and gifts and then to use them in the community as well as the parish.
Several years ago the parish of St. Joseph the Worker embraced the concept of Commitment to Parish Life, or CPL. This commitment takes on many forms. On one of the pillars in the gathering space lists some ideas about the mutual commitment we make towards each other.
Thank you for being a part of the parish of St. Joseph the Worker. If you regularly worship with us but have not yet registered, you can stop at the information desk by the front door or pick up a registration packet by that same desk. It is easy to join and we are always looking for people to become a part of this vibrant community.
Many of you in the parish already give a great deal of your time in service to others. The Knights of Columbus, for example, regularly tally up all of the hours the more than 125 men in the parish volunteer every year. It is well into the thousands of hours spent giving back to society.
St. Joseph the Worker has about 2100 households. Every year 100 leave and just over that number join us. That means we have about 6000 parishioners. I am good at recognizing faces but struggle to quickly remember that many names, plus the other folks who come to visit relatives or those who come to the cities for sporting or other events.