Years ago I read that at the end of the 1800’s people generally felt that everything that was worthwhile to invent and already been invented. Everything about medicine was already known.
When we began Commitment to Parish Life, CPL, 10 years ago, we saw it as one method to connecting folks to all aspects of their life with St. Joe's. We never dreamed that having made that connection over the years it would now become one of the strongest features about our parish.
The people at St. Joseph continue to amaze me. The Saturday before Palm Sunday we had over 350 cars drive through for Stations of the Cross, palms and reconciliation. Good Friday we had a huge amount again with at least 150 more cars between 2 and 3 when people went through the Stations again, received absolution and stopped to adore the cross.
During this time of "stay at home" it is easy to feel isolated. Keeping 6 feet away from everyone, shopping with a mask on, and spending a lot more time in our homes can make us feel like we are alone.
One of the things that I have noticed about people who struggle to make sense of this COVID-19 is the change that has come over people. Neighbors are walking more and meeting other neighbors. People are stopping along the sidewalks and in parking lots to talk to one another.