As we reflect on Respect Life Month, let us pray and offer support to families and persons with special needs…
Years ago when we attended school we did not know anyone who had a disability. In those days people with disabilities were often isolated, institutionalized and kept out of view. Many things have changed for the better since then. People with disabilities are largely raised at home, educated in schools with typical students. Attitudes are changing for the better. It is heartening to see this.
Still there is a long way to go when it comes to full acceptance and inclusion of people with disabilities in the Church and in the culture at large. People with disabilities are just as equally made in God's image as the rest of us.
We are told in the first chapter of the Book of Genesis the following: God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. (Gen 1:27). When we encounter another human being, we are being brought into contact with the divine image, which that person reflects back to us and this strengthens us. When we see the image of God in a person with a disability, we are changed forever and radiate gratitude back to that person and to God. Everyone who lives with, works with or ministers to persons with disabilities has the opportunity to recognize the image and likeness of God in them.
When we look through the lens of faith, when we emphasize that all people are created in the image and likeness of God, we as people of faith can focus our gaze so that fear is replaced by love. We find the strength to engage the person with disability and relate to him or her in a deeply compassionate and personal way.
Copyright 2016 David and Mercedes Rizzo.
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