SJTW parishioner Steve Williams serves as a dedicated leader of Stephen Ministry, a compassionate group committed to supporting fellow parishioners facing challenging circumstances such as loss of a job, grief, divorce, or providing a listening ear. Stephen Ministry is open to all SJTW parishioners and is confidential.
Steve has been active in Stephen Ministry since 2001 after completing his training and was asked to lead in 2020. “It seemed to be a way that I could "Be the change, be Christ" to others through holy listening and support of those in need.” Engaging with the ministry has not only allowed him to assist others but has also enriched his own life, fostering a sense of community and friendship that he describes as "a family to each other."
To Steve, working in Stephen Ministry has become a calling. He expresses gratitude for the blessings it has brought into his life stating, “My time in Stephen Ministry has been such a blessing. I feel that I, as well as other Stephen Minsters, have made a difference to others.” To learn more about Stephen Ministry and put your faith in action, visit To start or continue your Commitment to Parish Life, visit